I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunt, a pastor, a friend, a cook, a housecleaner … the list could go on and on as I think about the different tasks that I have to do and the different relationships that I have.
In Mark 8:27-29 Jesus asked his disciples “who do men say that I am?” “ So they answered, ‘John the Baptist; but some say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.’ He said to them ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Peter answered and said to Him ‘You are the Christ.’”
Just as in Jesus’ day, there were those who did not know who He was, there are still those today who do not truly know who Jesus is. Today there are those who would say that He was just a teacher, or preacher, or prophet. There are those who would deny that He is deity, that do not recognize Him as the Son of God. May we take time to pray for such as these, that they might recognize who Jesus is and find that He has come that we all might have abundant life.
Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Christ. The son of the Most High God. He is deity, one with God, the second person of the Trinity. But He is so much more than these titles. In essence He is something different to each one of us. And to each of us we may call Him a different name depending on our need, or view of Him in that moment.
If Jesus were to ask that question to me I would respond with You are the Son of God, Christ my Saviour. You are my Redeemer, my Peace, my Healer, my Hope and Sure Foundation. You stand as the Watch-guard of my heart. You are my Protector and the One who I trust to meet not only my needs but also the needs of my family. You are the One who has ordained all my days and You alone give me the strength and wisdom to walk in them.
Who is Jesus when you get the promotion, when your child/grandchild is born, when the bills are greater than the income, when the doctor brings bad news…? Despite all the changing circumstances around us Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He rejoices with us and He is more than enough to help us through the difficulties of life.